Streamlining Your AWS Code Workflow: A Guide to CodeCommit And it’s features

11 min readMar 13, 2023


Hi all, today we are going to an overview discussion about AWS CodeCommit, it’s features and how the flow walks. In today’s world, software development is becoming increasingly important as businesses and organizations seek to streamline their processes and optimize their services. To achieve this, there is a need for efficient project management tools that can facilitate collaboration, reduce errors, and speed up the development process. AWS offers several services that can help you manage your software projects more effectively. This blog will provide you with an overview of how to manage your project with AWS CodeCommit, CodeArtifact, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CICD pipeline.

AWS CodeCommit

AWS CodeCommit is a fully managed source control service that makes it easy for teams to collaborate on code in a secure and scalable manner. With CodeCommit, you can store your code in the cloud and manage access to it using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). This service is designed to work seamlessly with other AWS services, including CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and AWS Lambda.

Ok now let’s move on with how to create a repo and manage code workspace using AWS CodeCommit.

Getting started with AWS CodeCommit

To get started with AWS CodeCommit, you need to create a repository. A repository is a central location where you can store and manage your code. Follow these steps to create a repository:

· Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the CodeCommit console.

· Click on the “Create repository” button.

· Choose a name for your repository and optionally add a description.

· Choose the region where you want your repository to be stored.

· Choose the repository type (standard or mirror) and click on the “Create” button.

· Now that you have created a repository, you can start pushing your code to it.

This is how the repository will show in your CodeCommit console.

When cloning the repository into your local machine it has several methods to do it. Those are shown as the clone URL options. With clicking the options you can copy the URL and then use it to clone repository.

HTTPS Clone:

With an HTTPS clone, you can clone the CodeCommit repository using an HTTPS URL. This method is easy to use and does not require any additional configuration. The downside of this method is that you will need to enter your AWS credentials each time you push or pull changes from the repository. This can be inconvenient and less secure than other methods.

SSH Clone:

With an SSH clone, you can clone the CodeCommit repository using an SSH URL. This method requires you to generate an SSH key pair, which you can then add to your AWS CodeCommit account. This method is more secure than HTTPS because it uses SSH keys for authentication instead of AWS credentials. However, setting up an SSH key pair can be more complex than using HTTPS.

HTTPS with Git Credentials Clone:

With an HTTPS with Git Credentials clone, you can clone the CodeCommit repository using an HTTPS URL, but you can use Git credentials instead of AWS credentials for authentication. Git credentials are a username and password combination that you can generate in your AWS CodeCommit account. This method is more secure than HTTPS because it uses Git credentials instead of AWS credentials. Additionally, it does not require the use of SSH keys. However, setting up Git credentials can be more complex than using HTTPS alone.

In summary, HTTPS is the easiest method to use for cloning a CodeCommit repository, but it requires the use of AWS credentials. SSH is more secure than HTTPS but requires the generation and management of SSH keys. HTTPS with Git Credentials is more secure than HTTPS but requires the generation and management of Git credentials. Which method to choose depends on your specific needs and preferences for security and ease of use.

For the demonstration purposes I use HTTPS method to clone the repository.

And then clone it to your local machine. After adding the AWS credentials correctly you will be able to clone the repository successfully.

git clone "copied URL"

And the commit your changes into the repository using those commands.

git add .
git commit -m "Commit message"
git push

After the push you can see the commits with clicking the repository.

You can manage the repository using all the features as like as GitHub.

And I’m not going deep about all the features like pull requests and managing branches and hope you already familiar with the GitHub.

Next jump into CodeArtifact.

AWS CodeArtifact

AWS CodeArtifact is a managed artifact repository service that allows you to securely store and share software packages. With CodeArtifact, you can store your packages in a centralized location and manage access to them using IAM. This service is designed to work seamlessly with other AWS services, including CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and AWS Lambda.

Getting started with AWS CodeArtifact

To get started with AWS CodeArtifact, you need to create a repository. A repository is a central location where you can store and manage your packages. Follow these steps to create a repository:

· Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the CodeArtifact console.

· Click on the “Create repository” button.

· Choose a name for your repository and optionally add a description.

· Choose the region where you want your repository to be stored.

· Choose the package format that you want to use (npm, Maven, or PyPI) and click on the “Create” button.

And then you can select the AWS account you want to create code artifact repository and also find the proper domain.

· Now that you have created a repository, you can start publishing your packages to it.

Now let’s get an brief idea about what is the domain in AWS Code Artifact.

In AWS CodeArtifact, a domain is a logical container for repositories. When you create a domain, you create a namespace that can contain one or more repositories, and you can set permissions and policies for the domain as a whole.

Each domain has a unique name, which is used in the domain’s endpoint URL. For example, if you create a domain with the name “my-domain”, the domain’s endpoint URL will be in the format “”, where “region” is the AWS region in which your domain is created.

Domains in CodeArtifact provide a way to organize and manage your repositories in a centralized manner. For example, you might create a domain for a particular project or team, and then create repositories within that domain for different components of the project or different teams working on the project.

When you create a repository, you specify the domain in which the repository should be created. By default, repositories are private to the AWS account that creates them, but you can share repositories with other AWS accounts or specific IAM users or roles by setting up repository permissions.

In summary, a domain in AWS CodeArtifact is a logical container for repositories that provides a way to organize and manage your packages and repositories in a centralized manner.

I hope you got an idea about AWS Code Artifact and now let’s continue with AWS Code Build.

AWS CodeBuild

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. With CodeBuild, you can automate your build process and reduce the time it takes to get your software into production. This service is designed to work seamlessly with other AWS services, including CodeCommit, CodeArtifact, and CodeDeploy.

Getting started with AWS CodeBuild

To get started with AWS CodeBuild, you need to create a build project. A build project is a collection of build settings and instructions that tell CodeBuild how to build your code. Follow these steps to create a build project:

· Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the CodeBuild console.

· Click on the “Create build project” button.

· Choose a name for your build project and optionally add a description.

· Choose the source provider (CodeCommit, GitHub, or Bitbucket) and configure the connection settings.

After building the repository it will show as below.

And then start the build by clicking Start Build command.

· Choose the operating system and runtime that you want to use.

· Choose the build specification that you want to use (either a YAML file or a shell)

And it has some other feature like show below.

Let’s talk about one by one briefly.

Build History

Build history in AWS CodeBuild refers to a chronological record of all builds that have been performed in your account. It includes detailed information about each build, such as the start and end time, build status, build logs, and any artifacts that were generated. Build history helps you track the progress of your builds, troubleshoot issues, and identify patterns over time.

Report Groups

Report groups in AWS CodeBuild are a way to organize and manage the test reports and other artifacts that are generated by your builds. You can create a report group for each project or application, and then configure CodeBuild to automatically upload the reports to the group. This allows you to easily view and analyze the test results across multiple builds and projects.

Report History

Report history in AWS CodeBuild refers to a record of all test reports that have been generated and uploaded to a report group. It includes information about the report type, report status, and any associated metadata. Report history helps you track the quality of your code over time, identify areas for improvement, and meet compliance requirements.

Account Metrics

Account metrics in AWS CodeBuild provide real-time insights into your build activity and usage. You can use metrics such as build duration, success rate, and resource utilization to monitor the performance of your builds and identify areas for optimization. Additionally, you can set up alarms to notify you when certain thresholds are exceeded, so you can take action to prevent issues before they impact your users.

That’s about the feature of the AWS CodeBuild. Let’s start our discussion about CodeDeploy.

AWS CodeDeploy

AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service that automates the deployment of your code to instances and services. With CodeDeploy, you can easily deploy your applications to Amazon EC2 instances, on-premises instances, or even to Lambda functions. This service is designed to work seamlessly with other AWS services, including CodeCommit, CodeArtifact, and CodeBuild.

Getting started with AWS CodeDeploy

To get started with AWS CodeDeploy, you need to create an application and a deployment group. An application is a logical group of resources that you want to deploy to, and a deployment group is a collection of instances or services that you want to deploy to. Follow these steps to create an application and a deployment group:

· Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the CodeDeploy console.

· Click on the “Create application” button.

· Choose a name for your application and optionally add a description.

· Choose the platform that you want to deploy to (EC2, Lambda, or on-premises) and click on the “Create application” button.

· Click on the “Create deployment group” button.

· Choose a name for your deployment group and optionally add a description.

· Choose the deployment type (in-place or blue/green) and configure the deployment settings.

· Choose the instances or services that you want to deploy to and click on the “Create deployment group” button.

· Now that you have created an application and a deployment group, you can start deploying your code to them.

It’s an introduction about AWS CodeDeploy and its features. Next is AWS CodePipeline.

AWS CodePipeline

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service that automates the release process for your applications. With CodePipeline, you can create a pipeline that automatically builds, tests, and deploys your code every time you make a change to your repository. This service is designed to work seamlessly with other AWS services, including CodeCommit, CodeArtifact, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy.

Getting started with AWS CodePipeline

To get started with AWS CodePipeline, you need to create a pipeline. A pipeline is a set of stages that define the steps that CodePipeline takes to release your code. Follow these steps to create a pipeline:

· Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the CodePipeline console.

· Click on the “Create pipeline” button.

· Choose a name for your pipeline and optionally add a description.

· Choose the source provider (CodeCommit, GitHub, or S3) and configure the connection settings.

· Choose the build provider (CodeBuild or Jenkins) and configure the build settings.

· Choose the deployment provider (CodeDeploy or Elastic Beanstalk) and configure the deployment settings.

· Choose the stages that you want to include in your pipeline and configure the actions.

· Click on the “Create pipeline” button.

· Now that you have created a pipeline, you can start automating your release process.


In conclusion, AWS provides a comprehensive set of services that can help you manage your software projects more effectively. AWS CodeCommit, CodeArtifact, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline all work seamlessly together to create a fully automated CI/CD pipeline that can speed up your development process, reduce errors, and improve collaboration. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can easily set up your own project management system using AWS. With AWS, you can focus on developing great software without having to worry about managing infrastructure.

Thank you so much everyone to connecting with my blog and follow me for more updates…! Stay Tuned…!


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