Log your application in a better way — Grafana Loki

3 min readMay 23, 2024


grafana loki

Hi folks, do you have any issues with your current logging system of your application. Like hard to operate at scaling or, when scaling do you have unbearable cost for people, hardware and licenses. Hear I got the latest solution for you. It is called Grafana Loki.

Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate. It does not index the contents of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream.

Here comes some key Advantages of using loki into your current system:

  • Loki ingestion uses the same service discovery and label relabelling libraries as Prometheus, meaning time series/metrics in Prometheus and Loki log streams can have the same labels. Loki minimises the cost of the context switching between logs and metrics and this will help reduce incident response times and improve the user experience.
  • By storing plain text logs and only indexing the metadata, storage is hugely simplified. This makes Loki simpler to operate and provides some significant cost savings. This means engineers can store all of their logs.
  • Prometheus labelling goes hand-in-hand with Kubernetes label selection. This makes Loki a particularly good fit for storing Kubernetes logs.

So, hope you got an idea why we need to use loki into our systems. Then will show you how this is works. This diagram will clarify all your doubts,

how loki works

First pull in any logs with Promtail — Promtail is a logs collector built specifically for Loki. It will pull logs from the system and pass them into loki.

Then it will store the logs in the loki and query it using LogQL. It is a log query language that used by grafana loki.

As the final step, Alert on your logs -Set up alerting rules for Loki to evaluate on your incoming log data.

So, this will alert you once there is an issue and it will helps you to increase the availability of your current system.

Grafana is the visualization tool of these logs and using grafana board you can dig into see the logs of your system.


SO, according to that hope you guys got idea about how to manage your log system in an better way. Then see you guys with the next one.

